Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The big issue; bespoke versus off-the-shelf software solutions

Be it Microsoft, Adobe or whoever, the vast majority of the software we buy is 'off the shelf'. Whether consumer or business it’s likely to be the same application that is owned by millions of other users. The result is that it comes with all the advantages and disadvantages of a mass-packaged solution. But when is off-the-shelf a compromise too far?

The reality is that, most of the off-the-shelf software you see, probably started life as a bespoke piece of software; its value was recognised and it was produced for a wider market. You too might be considering having a bespoke application written specifically for your unique business needs, or you simply may not be able to find a product to suit your needs.  What are the advantages of going down the bespoke route? 

I wanted to use this short article to highlight some of the main benefits and negatives of the bespoke, vs. the off-the-shelf debate and to recommend that which ever way you chose to proceed- take a few minutes out to talk to a specialist software developer, like Synetec. A simple call with a reputable developer, could point you in the direction of a more cost effective solution or highlight the benefits of a more bespoke solution.

Let’s start with the positives of both:

Development costs for packaged software is spread across the thousands or millions of users and means some solutions can be cost effective..

Normally bespoke software is seen as being costly, but compared to off-the-shelf financial software this is not necessarily the case.

Off-the-shelf solutions can be very expensive because of the huge range of functionality that might not be needed. So, bespoke software can in this instance be a far more cost-effective alternative.
Information on the setup and operation of off-the-shelf is relatively easy to find. A simple Google search is a good place to start.
Your software developer should be on hand for all your customer support and training needs - including those crisis moments that require an immediate response.

Due to the mass availability of many packages, simple tasks like file sharing can be far simpler because everyone has the software.

The software is designed to meet your needs and function to match the way you choose to operate and run your systems. It is much more flexible and can be modified and changed over time as your requirements and business practices change.

Your solution is out the box and ready to go straight away, meaning you don't have to spend the time that is taken up with the development process.

Your own bespoke software can be a key differentiator between you and your competitors, giving you a real business advantage.

And now for the challenges:

Off-the-shelf software is built to meet the needs of the masses not your specific business needs, so there will probably be operations that you require, that you simply cannot do with the software.

If you do not own or co-own the source code and the intellectual property to your software you become entirely dependent upon your developer.

In trying to cater for everyone, generic software often has features you may never use which can be complicating and time consuming to learn – both of which add significant cost.

Direct cost isn’t the only prohibitive expense with bespoke software. So is the cost of your time. A large investment of your time is required during the development process in order to produce the best results.

Generic, by its nature means that everyone has the same system- including your competitors. This means you are never likely to gain any real advantage in the market place.

There are still an unacceptable number of inexperienced and non-dependable developers out there who pose serious risks to your business.

If there’s a crisis then be prepared to be kept waiting on hold, as to the large multinational software companies, you are just another number in a queue.

The lack of flexibility means that you may have to adjust your business processes in order to made them ‘fit in’ with the off-the-shelf software. That’s not ideal, the software should fit you, not the other way around.

Having a bespoke software solution developed to meet your business needs can provide you with major business and commercial benefits as well as create significant competitive advantage. The other significant advantage is the relationships you will build with your developer and the peace of mind that comes with having a team of professionals on hand to meet your training, development and service needs.

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