Monday 1 April 2013

When Agile is not right for your software development project

As discussed in an earlier article, Agile methods have a number of advantages but it isn’t always the right approach for every project and is heavily reliant upon the team you use. As much as Agile is a process it is also a mindset- deployed as a way of managing the relationship between developers and you the client.

While the general acceptance is that Agile is faster, more effective and cheaper, like any project results can vary greatly. I’ve seen countless examples of business coming to us having been let down by other developers who failed to correctly deploy Agile. In order to get to the bottom of why Agile projects fail, you need to understand when Agile is not suitable for you, because for many clients (and all too many developers), they simply do not understand Agile and the consequences of adopting it.

At Synetec our management team have over a decade’s experience of managing successful, complex Agile projects and delivering value. Having also seen the results of where other developers have failed, we have come up with three simple tips for understanding when Agile is not the correct approach for your project:

When the client doesn’t have the time to take ownership
For some financial service clients, in particular their fund manager’s time is like ‘gold dust’. This means getting client and user ownership of the project can be incredibly difficult, particularly when feedback is required during the ‘sprint’ sessions on Agile.

With the success of Agile depending on an effective partnership between Synetec as the development team, you the client and your end users- communication is key. Whilst day-to-day interaction isn’t necessary, regular two-way communication is for some clients just too disruptive and inconvenient. If this partnership approach won’t work for you, then an Agile project will prove complicated and will come with higher risks.

When your developer has a smaller team
While an Agile project requires highly skilled individuals; it more commonly requires skilled teams. These teams will usually include business analysts, developers and project managers, with knowledge of model-driven development and all with excellent communication skills.

Because of the structure of Agile, it may simply not be as effective or suitable for smaller 2 to 3 man development teams. With teams this size it is usually easier and more effective to split the team and workload to manage the sprint backlog collaboratively.

What we find with larger development teams of 10 plus for instance, are that they are better utilising individual complimentary development skills; meaning the project is spread more widely between the team, and Agile is thus more effective in ensuring collaboration and communication.

When speed is what really matters
When developers are up against tight time constraints (usually less than 3 months), our experience has taught us that it is usually faster to develop in Waterfall where you can sacrifice flexibility for speed.

As Agile projects involve increasing degrees of business functionality through regular iterations, speed can at times be an obstacle. When you’re looking for developers, remember to consider the size of their retained team; if they don’t have the resources to meet your desired changes this can lead to unacceptable delays. If you have a fixed deadline, and time to market is what really matters, then most developers would advise that the waterfall methodology is a more effective option.

The table below gives a brief insight into the role of the client in the Agile v Waterfall process:

Start: Initial briefing but no substantial input required.
Start: Must specify and detail all the system requirements.
Development: Client is an active part of the project and provides continuous feedback through demos engaging with developers and management
Development: Once briefed the client need not be involved until QA and delivery.
End of project: No lengthy sign-off as all requirements have been tracked.
End of project: Sign-off to confirm that all the requirements specified are met.

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